Information for parents surrendering a newborn
All parents surrendering a newborn should get a packet with three pieces of information:
Who to call if you have questions, concerns or need assistance
Medical/genetic information must be provided to the mother but mother is not required to complete
Please read our Safe Place for Newborns brochure for more information. El folleto también está disponible en español.
Health information for birth mothers
Giving birth is a demanding activity that weakens your body, so you will need time and rest to be yourself again. Visit dcf.wisconsin.gov for more resources.
Infant relinquishment: Questions you may have
Under 2001 Wisconsin Act 2, a parent may relinquish their newborn to a law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician or hospital staff member and may remain anonymous and free from prosecution, if certain circumstances are true. Read details here.
If you are interested in adoption, please contact your local foster/adoption agency to inquire about how to become licensed. Most Safe Haven newborns are placed in pre-adoptive homes licensed by local foster care agencies. In the Milwaukee area, you can contact:​
Grow Hope @ Wellpoint | Foster Care and Adoption
Wellpoint in Milwaukee, WI provides foster care placement and support for kids with varying needs as well as adoption licensing and services.
Visit growhope.net to learn more. Foster care information.
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Children's Wisconsin offers foster care and adoption programs. Foster parents may be licensed in one of the four foster care programs — general foster care, treatment foster care, general foster care/adoption or respite foster care.
Visit this link to learn more.