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Frequently asked questions

Will anyone try to find me?

No, if you choose Safe Haven and safely surrender an unharmed newborn 72 hours old or younger to any law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician or hospital staff member, you will not be asked any questions or punished in any way.

If I deliver at the hospital, how do I remain anonymous?

Once you make the decision to choose Safe Haven for your baby, all identifying information is removed from the infant’s medical record. When the infant is reported to the local child welfare agency, your name is not provided as the mother of the infant and your identity is protected.


What happens to my baby?

All Safe Haven infants are kept safe at the hospital until medically stable to be released to their pre-adoptive home. All infants are discharged directly to pre-adoptive families. They do not move through several foster homes. They are placed with a family pre-approved for adoption where a child welfare agency monitors the child’s well-being until the adoption is finalized.

Do I have to give any information?

You will be asked if you are willing to provide some medical/genetic background information. This is solely for the purpose of providing the best possible medical care for your baby moving forward. It is not required you provide this information but it is very helpful in providing future medical care for the baby.

What if I change my mind?

Once you surrender a newborn, there is no link between you and the baby. Because of this, you will need to submit a sample for DNA testing to prove you are indeed the parent of the infant. You should first contact your local child welfare agency. Provide as many details as possible (information about the delivery, date of surrender, gender of the infant, etc.) Child Protection Services will be involved in determining whether or not the infant should be returned to your care.

How can I adopt a Safe Haven baby?

Safe Place for Newborns does not have any role in the placement of newborns in adoptive homes. All newborns are in the care of local child welfare or adoption agencies across the state. If interested in adoption, you should contact your local licensing agency. Please note, agencies do not license specifically for Safe Haven.

Waiting Room


Mother and Baby

Office: 414-447-3030
24/7 Crisis Line:
1-877-440-BABY (2229)
Text: 414-491-8943

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