About Us
Mission statement
The founding purpose, and continuing mission, of Safe Place for Newborns is to save the lives of newborns in danger of abandonment and to help preserve the health and future of their mothers.
The Safe Haven Law in Wisconsin was enacted on April 3, 2001. This law allows any parent to safely surrender their unharmed newborn up to 72 hours old to any law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician or hospital staff member - NO QUESTIONS ASKED. This law allows a parent to anonymously surrender their newborn without fear of prosecution.

You can have a safe delivery
You can safely deliver your newborn in a hospital and still surrender your baby with no questions asked. Hospital deliveries are preferred as it allows you to have a safe delivery and ensure both you and baby receive the necessary medical treatment. A hospital delivery allows you and baby to get proper care and avoid negative outcomes or medical complications. Any infant born in a hospital may be relinquished at that facility as long as the decision is made within the 72 hour timeframe.
We're here to help
Breanna thought there was no other option. Had she known about Safe Place for Newborns, she would have delivered her baby safely in the hospital and relinquished her into the safe hands of staff. Today, Breanna shares her story to show others that Safe Place for Newborns is there to help.
Ben and Nadia were star students at Kimberly High School. After a year of dating, Nadia became pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy, she couldn't believe it until the day she delivered at home in a bath tub. The couple set the baby outside a nearby church where she was later found safe. Today, Ben and Nadia share their story and advocate for the Safe Haven Law to help others who may be going through a similar situation.